【持续更新】Nasiara 语音教程

Approximants 近音

Approximants are consonants that are similar to vowels in terms of articulation. In Nasiara, we use this term to refer to the approximants of vowels, which sometimes are called semivowels.

近音是一类在发音上与元音相似的辅音。在 Nasiara 语言中,我们使用这个术语来指代元音的近音,有时也被称为半元音。

The table below shows the approximants of vowels in Nasiara and its pronunciation.

下表是 Nasiara 语言中元音的近音及它们的读音。

Vowel Approximant Note
i /j/ yes
u /w/ we
y /ɥ/ 圆(yuan) in Mandarin

Note, the approximants are one kind of the consonants, so only the approximants combinded with vowels are considered as a syllable.


You could refer to the Syllable section for more information.


Examples 示例

Iusrivo /juˈsɾi.vɔ/ (“i” becomes /j/ since it’s before a vowel “u”)

couo /ˈkɔ.wɔ/ (“u” becomes /w/ since it’s before a vowel “o”)

Naye /ˈna.ɥe/ (“y” becomes /ɥ/ since it’s before a vowel “e”)

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