Database backup & restore 数据库备份与恢复


It would be helpful if you could backup & restore all the data in the database with the webui easily, although this would not be frequent. For example, you’re about to switch your database software from SQLite to MySQL or MongoDB, most scripts that you could find from the Internet would not be great to transform the shape from one to other, hence break the Koishi instance unexpectedly.

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草 什么机翻

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不过看起来你提到的插件只提供命令,并且它要求用户手动配置桌子名。 我想要的是一个开箱即用的自动 GUI 方式来做这些事情,你能为它提供一个 UI 吗?

Wow, you are the rabbit king of the plugin publishing.

Mais it looks like the plugin that you referred to only provides commands, also it requires user to manually configure the table names. What I want is a GUI way to do the such things automatically out of the box, could you provide a UI for it too?

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