
一款带有剧情的文字游戏。目前已更新 20 余章(含若干隐藏章节)。


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每一章回答出超过 5 题即可解锁下一章节。触发特定条件后将解锁隐藏章节。

5 个赞


3 个赞

Sure! Let me try try.

4 个赞

20231011 更新:修复了资源加载失败的问题。

3 个赞

20231012 更新:给迷子尝试了一下题目后,决定调整了 1-1, 1-3, 1-8, 1-9, 1-10, 1-11, 1-12 的难度(1-3 略微上调,其他题目均下调)。

3 个赞

20231013 更新:调整了 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, 2-9, 2-10, 3-2 的条件(大部分为难度下调)。

2 个赞

To quickly arrive at the correct answers based on known conditions, you need an intuitive understanding of the composition of English words. Sometimes, it might involve some stupid trial and error.
Each question takes me anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes, and I believe this time will decrease as I become more proficient with the questions.
Overall, it’s a bold experiment, and perhaps having multiple participants solving puzzles together at the same time could make it more interesting. I’m not sure, but tackling these questions alone is undoubtedly dull.

要根据已知条件快速得出正确答案,需要对英语单词的构成有直观的了解。 有时,它可能涉及一些愚蠢的尝试和错误。
每个问题都会花费我 5 到 30 分钟的时间,我相信随着我对问题的更加熟练,这个时间会减少。
总的来说,这是一个大胆的实验,也许让多个参与者同时一起解决谜题会让它变得更有趣。 我不确定,但单独解决这些问题无疑是乏味的。




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2 个赞