
我尝试在MacOS Moterey版本启动Koishi 但是一直显示以下弹窗 请问除了每次开机的时候重启电脑 还有其他的解决方法么?
截屏2023-10-24 16.38.47

截屏2023-10-24 16.40.01
Koishi由于无法正常启动 找不到软件本身的配置

0000|2|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [I] launcher Koishi Desktop v0.10.7
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher You’re seeing debug output because this RPL target is running in debug mode (which is normal for syslog). This will not be controlled by --debug flag.
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher Trigger pseudo action: pre
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher PID: 1276
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher Executable: /Applications/
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher Command line arguments:
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher Reading config file: /Applications/
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher Loading config: koi.yml
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher Config dir: /Applications/
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher Detecting redirect field.
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher ‘redirect’ field detected: USERDATA
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher Loading config: /Users/mac/Library/Application Support/Koishi/Desktop/koi.yml
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher Redirecting to user data: /Users/mac/Library/Application Support/Koishi/Desktop/koi.yml
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher Config dir: /Users/mac/Library/Application Support/Koishi/Desktop
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher Reading config file: /Users/mac/Library/Application Support/Koishi/Desktop/koi.yml
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher Detecting redirect field.
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher Parsing config.
0000|2|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [W] launcher failed to chmod data folder bin: chmod /Applications/ operation not permitted
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher Config parsed successfully.
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher Trigger action: run
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher Trigger action: run ui
0000|3|2023-10-24 16:40:50 [D] launcher Starting KoiShell process.
arg: map[string]interface {}{“buttonCount”:1, “mode”:“dialog”, “style”:“info”, “text1”:“Koishi is already running.”, “text2”:“You can find the Koishi icon from notification area. Tap the Koishi icon to perform action.”, “title”:“Already Running”}
argJSON: {“buttonCount”:1,“mode”:“dialog”,“style”:“info”,“text1”:“Koishi is already running.”,“text2”:“You can find the Koishi icon from notification area. Tap the Koishi icon to perform action.”,“title”:“Already Running”}
argB64: eyJidXR0b25Db3VudCI6MSwibW9kZSI6ImRpYWxvZyIsInN0eWxlIjoiaW5mbyIsInRleHQxIjoiS29pc2hpIGlzIGFscmVhZHkgcnVubmluZy4iLCJ0ZXh0MiI6IllvdSBjYW4gZmluZCB0aGUgS29pc2hpIGljb24gZnJvbSBubpZmljYXRpb24gYXJlYS4gVGFwIHRoZSBLb2lzaGkgaWNvbiB0byBwZXJmbtIGFjdGlvbi4iLCJ0aXRsZSI6IkFscmVhZHkgUnVubmluZyJ9
0000|1|2023-10-24 16:40:56 [E] launcher 2023-10-24 16:40:56.578 koishell[1277:] imkxpc_getApplicationProperty:reply: called with incorrect property value 4, bailing.
0000|1|2023-10-24 16:40:56 [E] launcher 2023-10-24 16:40:56.578 koishell[1277:] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 4 on nil context!
0000|1|2023-10-24 16:40:56 [E] launcher 2023-10-24 16:40:56.578 koishell[1277:] Text input context does not respond to _valueForTIProperty:
0000|1|2023-10-24 16:40:56 [E] launcher 2023-10-24 16:40:56.578 koishell[1277:] imkxpc_getApplicationProperty:reply: called with incorrect property value 4, bailing.
0000|1|2023-10-24 16:40:56 [E] launcher 2023-10-24 16:40:56.578 koishell[1277:] Text input context does not respond to _valueForTIProperty:
0000|1|2023-10-24 16:40:56 [E] launcher 2023-10-24 16:40:56.581 koishell[1277:] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 4 on nil context!
0000|1|2023-10-24 16:40:56 [E] launcher 2023-10-24 16:40:56.581 koishell[1277:] imkxpc_getApplicationProperty:reply: called with incorrect property value 4, bailing.
0000|1|2023-10-24 16:40:56 [E] launcher 2023-10-24 16:40:56.578 koishell[1277:] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 4 on nil context!
0000|1|2023-10-24 16:40:56 [E] launcher 2023-10-24 16:40:56.581 koishell[1277:] Text input context does not respond to _valueForTIProperty:
0000|1|2023-10-24 16:40:57 [E] launcher 2023-10-24 16:40:57.072 koishell[1277:] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 4 on nil context!
0000|1|2023-10-24 16:40:57 [E] launcher 2023-10-24 16:40:57.072 koishell[1277:] Text input context does not respond to _valueForTIProperty:
0000|1|2023-10-24 16:40:57 [E] launcher 2023-10-24 16:40:57.072 koishell[1277:] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 4 on nil context!
0000|1|2023-10-24 16:40:57 [E] launcher 2023-10-24 16:40:57.072 koishell[1277:] imkxpc_getApplicationProperty:reply: called with incorrect property value 4, bailing.
0000|1|2023-10-24 16:40:57 [E] launcher 2023-10-24 16:40:57.072 koishell[1277:] Text input context does not respond to _valueForTIProperty:
0000|1|2023-10-24 16:40:57 [E] launcher 2023-10-24 16:40:57.072 koishell[1277:] imkxpc_getApplicationProperty:reply: called with incorrect property value 4, bailing.

2 个赞


我刚才试了关机重启 这下重启也不好用了 一直跳相同的弹窗TT 这个是从重启到现在的全部日志
0000|2|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [I] launcher Koishi Desktop v0.10.7
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher You’re seeing debug output because this RPL target is running in debug mode (which is normal for syslog). This will not be controlled by --debug flag.
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher Executable: /Applications/
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher Trigger pseudo action: pre
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher PID: 698
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher Loading config: koi.yml
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher Command line arguments:
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher Reading config file: /Applications/
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher Config dir: /Applications/
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher Detecting redirect field.
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher ‘redirect’ field detected: USERDATA
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher Loading config: /Users/mac/Library/Application Support/Koishi/Desktop/koi.yml
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher Redirecting to user data: /Users/mac/Library/Application Support/Koishi/Desktop/koi.yml
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher Config dir: /Users/mac/Library/Application Support/Koishi/Desktop
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher Reading config file: /Users/mac/Library/Application Support/Koishi/Desktop/koi.yml
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher Detecting redirect field.
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher Parsing config.
0000|2|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [W] launcher failed to chmod data folder bin: chmod /Applications/ operation not permitted
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher Config parsed successfully.
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher Trigger action: run
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher Trigger action: run ui
0000|3|2023-10-24 18:24:51 [D] launcher Starting KoiShell process.
arg: map[string]interface {}{“buttonCount”:1, “mode”:“dialog”, “style”:“info”, “text1”:“Koishi is already running.”, “text2”:“You can find the Koishi icon from notification area. Tap the Koishi icon to perform action.”, “title”:“Already Running”}
argJSON: {“buttonCount”:1,“mode”:“dialog”,“style”:“info”,“text1”:“Koishi is already running.”,“text2”:“You can find the Koishi icon from notification area. Tap the Koishi icon to perform action.”,“title”:“Already Running”}
argB64: eyJidXR0b25Db3VudCI6MSwibW9kZSI6ImRpYWxvZyIsInN0eWxlIjoiaW5mbyIsInRleHQxIjoiS29pc2hpIGlzIGFscmVhZHkgcnVubmluZy4iLCJ0ZXh0MiI6IllvdSBjYW4gZmluZCB0aGUgS29pc2hpIGljb24gZnJvbSBubpZmljYXRpb24gYXJlYS4gVGFwIHRoZSBLb2lzaGkgaWNvbiB0byBwZXJmbtIGFjdGlvbi4iLCJ0aXRsZSI6IkFscmVhZHkgUnVubmluZyJ9
0000|3|2023-10-24 18::00 [D] launcher KoiShell successfully exited.
0000|1|2023-10-24 18::00 [E] launcher tray running, PID=6

1 个赞

喵~那就去把这个目录里的文件删除一下,然后重新打开 Koishi 就可以了喵~

/Users/mac/Library/Application Support/Koishi/Desktop/data/lock

在桌面按下 ⌘⇧G 就可以输入上面的地址了~

1 个赞

好了 谢谢!神医!

1 个赞


不好意思 这就去

2 个赞