


2 个赞


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So there are 2 kinds of logics that you should implement:

1. Checking the latest version and compare to local version

It is easily to utilise the installer service from the market plugin for managing your other plugins:

  • use ctx.installer.resolveName(name) to resolve the name of the plugin to the actual name of the package name.
  • use ctx.installer.getDeps() to get the dependencies map which you could resolve to the package metadata.
  • use gt(latest, resolved) function from package semver to compare the remote version and local version while these parameters are both coming from the value of the package metadata mentioned above.

2. Trigger the installation

We will also utilise installer service for upgrading our plugin by:


Note: the mechanism described above is just a demonstration, in the realm you should apply more than this such as exception catching, configuration maintenance, side-effect cleaning, misuse evidence, etc.

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